WELNET® Software and Training for School Closures

Whether your district is 100% remote, using hybrid instruction or is back to live instruction the need for physed software has never been greater. WELNET® Software has many modules available for these scenarios that we’d like to offer for free or at a steep discount. Contact us to sign up or learn more:

Email – info@focusedfitness.org              Phone – 509-327-3181 X 3


Distance Learning Resources for Students

WELNET® offers teachers the ability to provide standards-based activities and instruction via technology. For more information on ways that teachers and students can use WELNET®, please watch the following video.


More information on how WELNET® can be used at specific grade levels can be found on the following links:

•    Elementary Distance Learning Solutions

•    Middle School Distance Learning Solutions

•    High School Distance Learning Solutions


Distance Education Opportunities for Teachers (please contact Focused Fitness for availability and rates)

School districts and teachers have different PD needs and therefore Focused Fitness has built options to meet those varying needs.

•    Webinar Series: A series of 6 webinars have been developed to meet the needs of beginning and veteran teachers
•    Live WELNET® Webinars: Virtual mini-trainings are available on any WELNET® module and can be recorded for later viewing

•    Live Virtual Trainings: 3-hour virtual trainings are available on a variety of physical education topics/resources including: Five for Life®, WELNET®, FAB 5® After School Program (ASP), FAB 5® Early Learning Fitness (ELF) and other Quality Physical Education topics.

•    Online Teacher Courses: Self-paced courses are available on the basic use of WELNET® and the Fitness Module (more topics coming soon!)

We are here to support school districts, teachers and students through these difficult times. Please reach out if you would like to move forward with any of the above Distance Learning Solutions

Email – info@focusedfitness.org    Phone – 509-327-3181 X 3